Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hypertrichosis Sufferers, Werewolves Without the Fangs and Claws

Werewolves have become a fixture in movies for years. The character of Taylor Lautner, a. k.a. Jacob Black, in the second of the Twilight series entitled New Moon has made werewolves not only popular but also well-loved. Little do most people know that there really are werewolves around, only, they do not have fangs or claws. These werewolves are not even wild or in possession of great strength and powers. In fact, they are even weaker than normal human beings because they are actually with a disorder called Werewolf Syndrome or medically speaking, hypertrichosis.

Hypertrichosis is a disease characterized by the the excessive growth of bodily hair. Hair covers basically the face, limbs and the upper body. In some intances, the hair is very thick and others in patches. This is why hypertrichosis is classified into two types, generalized hypertrichosis and localized hypertrichosis. The former refers to hair growth all over or in most part of body while the later refers to unwanted hair growth in only a single area or very few spots in the body. Subtypes are the acquired and the congenital hypertrichosis. If the disease developed over time, it is acquired and if it is present during birth, it is congenital.

Statistics show that this disease is very rare. One out of one billion has Werewolf Syndrome. It is recorded that only 19 people has this rare disorder in the world today. The disease is attributed to genetic defects. Danny Ramos and Larry Ramos are brothers who have already become famous because of this disorder. They are however the lucky ones. Most of the sufferers of hypertrichosis are made to work in sideshows and circus featured as a beast or a bearded woman. In other words, a laughingstock.

Werewolf Syndrome can easily tear a person’s pride to pieces. It can be an offending disorder since people may fear or laugh at those who possess it. Others are even afraid that it may be contagious.

Hypertrichosis is simply overgrowth of hair. It is not contagious nor terminal. It can however crush a sufferer’s heart to feel the ridicule and fear of others. It would be very important to learn about the disease for others without it will know how to treat those who are suffering from it.

The good thing about the Werewolf Syndrome is that hair can be easily removed through cosmetic treatments. The modern hair removal methods, e.g., eletrolysis, depilation or laser hair removal, are the perfect solution to this weird disease. The hair may also be shaved or plucked. These remedies are however not lasting in the case of acquired hypertrichoses where the underlying problem is actually not curable. Hair may again grow after the application of any of the hair removal method. More than any of these methods however, it is the compassion, understanding and kindness of the people around those who have Werewolf Syndrome that is much more important.

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